Geophysical Experiments
Geophysical Experiments
Editor(s): W.-G. Früh

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30 Jun 2003
Centrifugally driven convection in the rotating cylindrical annulus with modulated boundaries
M. Westerburg and F. H. Busse
Nonlin. Processes Geophys., 10, 275–280,,, 2003
30 Jun 2003
Instability patterns between counter-rotating disks
F. Moisy, T. Pasutto, and M. Rabaud
Nonlin. Processes Geophys., 10, 281–288,,, 2003
30 Jun 2003
On the origin of time-dependent behaviour in a barotropically unstable shear layer
W.-G. Früh and A. H. Nielsen
Nonlin. Processes Geophys., 10, 289–302,,, 2003
30 Jun 2003
Schlieren visualisation and measurement of axisymmetric disturbances
B. R. Sutherland, M. R. Flynn, and K. Onu
Nonlin. Processes Geophys., 10, 303–309,,, 2003
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